Part 2: Heres the Gear You Need to Shoot Climbing Photos Like a Boss
In this follow-up to shooting climbing photos like a pro, I share my gear and systems at Classic Crack in Broughton Bluff, OR. Learn about the bags, equipment, and camera gear I use for sport and trad climbing. Discover how I keep my camera safe and navigate a static line for the best shots.
Part 1: Here's the Gear You Need to Shoot Climbing Photos like a Boss
Curious about a climbing photographer's gear? In this post, I share the bags and equipment I take to the crags. Using a matryoshka doll method, I organize my climbing and photography gear efficiently. Discover the essential camera and climbing gear I rely on for shooting climbing.
What is the best climbing camera?
Discover the perfect camera for rock climbing photography, whether you're a casual climber or aspiring semi-pro. From rugged point-and-shoot cameras to high-end DSLRs, find the right gear for capturing stunning views and epic moments on your climbing adventures.
Discover the Sony A7ii camera and why it's changing my photography approach. From lightweight design and cost-effective features to superior image quality and video capabilities, the mirrorless camera offers seamless mobility and workflow enhancements. Learn why I’m considering the switch today.